$60 orphan tight end pr Drafting apr 27
BIG MONEY Dynasty Startup Hosted on Sleeper -SF, PPR, TEP, 12 Team -QB, 2RB, 3WR, TE, 3FLEX, SF -$1000 Dues. Pay first 2 years up front -Co Managers Ok -Interviews/Intros Via Zoom to set 12 Teams. Payments thereafter -DM me if interested or if you have questions
11 out of 18 paid! Here is the General overview of how this league works. This is NOT a Best Ball league. A Guillotine League begins with 18 teams, and each week, league results are determined by the cumulative points from each team’s starting lineup. After each week, the team that scored the fewest points that week is eliminated from the competition. When a team is eliminated, its entire roster of players become free agents, eligible to be acquired by the rest of the league. There are no head-to-head matchups, which means there are also no win/loss records. So, to recap, one of the original 18 teams will be eliminated after Week 1, which means 17 teams will remain in Week 2. After the lowest scoring team is chopped in Week 2, 16 teams will be left standing in Week 3. This process continues throughout the season. You get the idea. IF THERE IS A TIE, THE TEAM WITH THE FEWEST CUMULATIVE POINTS UP TO THAT WEEK GETS ELIMINATED.
Looking for someone to take over a Dynasty league. Team is pretty solid, it’s a large roster with a deep bench. Dm me if interested! Payment is $25 paid via LeagueSafe
$60 tight end pr
Anyone got a league I can join?
Start up league! Pay through league safe. High scoring. Active players wanted. Only 25 buy. Trying to draft to tonight. Let’s fill it. Need 10 people
BIG MONEY dynasty startup. SF, TEP, PPR. 12 team, comanagers ok. Interviews/intros via Zoom then selection and league formation before dues. Message me for more info if interested
ITS AN "IDP" BESTBALL EMPIRE LEAGUE @all Empire league (3 yrs) startup again after said yrs Bestball IDP 8/8 Division winners (divisions change yrly) PAID yrs upfront for traded futures dues prior to draft APRIL 27 2025 Derby/3RR median to vote Buy in: $50/yr Payouts: 1st $250; 2nd $50; D.W. $25 $400/yr goes into empire pot till won! League is full but 3 teams pending to pay. Override invites are on and first 5 teams to pay get a team!
Standard league for Baseball, join up be active ! 🙏 Baseball season is upon us! Join my league BK BASEBALL ⚾. Click Here: Join my Yahoo Sports Fantasy Baseball league, BK BASEBALL ⚾ League Summary ● 12 Team ● Super Flex ●Rookie/Vet draft is next week slow draft (8hr clock) ● $10 yearly Dues
$25 Dynasty Best Ball Slow Auction Startup draft on MFL and migrate picks to Sleeper Drafting when full (9/12 paid) *Almost Full* waiting on one payment to began today Start up today if filled and paid. 14 Team SF/ 1 pt PPR /.75 TEP Created to last! Championship Ring is won each year $105 a year, 3 years upfront 2025-2026-2027, $315 total to join. Always, at least 3 years paid ahead at all times Third Round Reversal- 8 hour slow draft Vets and Kickers as place holders for rookie picks draft, rookie draft following NFL Draft Starts 10- 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, TE, 2 Flex (RB/WR/TE) 1 Super Flex (QB, RB, WR, TE) 25 round draft, 33 Man Rosters- including 4 IR Spots and 4 Taxi Squad/ Rookies only Total: $315- Always 3 years paid at least, at all times. Start 3 years ahead upfront; $105 for 2025, $105 advance for 2026, $105 in advance for 2027. Funds will be held through League Safe. $5 a year from each team will go towards the price of a championship ring for the tournament Champion. Derby draft order following each teams payments made.
ITS AN "IDP" BESTBALL EMPIRE LEAGUE @all Empire league (3 yrs) startup again after said yrs Bestball IDP 8/8 Division winners (divisions change yrly) PAID yrs upfront for traded futures dues prior to draft APRIL 27 2025 Derby/3RR median to vote Buy in: $50/yr Payouts: 1st $250; 2nd $50; D.W. $25 $400/yr goes into empire pot till won! League is full but 3 teams pending to pay. Override invites are on and first 5 teams to pay get a team! *Almost Full* Start up today if filled and paid. 14 Team SF/ 1 pt PPR /.75 TEP Created to last! Championship Ring is won each year $105 a year, 3 years upfront 2025-2026-2027, $315 total to join. Always, at least 3 years paid ahead at all times Third Round Reversal- 8 hour slow draft Vets and Kickers as place holders for rookie picks draft, rookie draft following NFL Draft Starts 10- 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, TE, 2 Flex (RB/WR/TE) 1 Super Flex (QB, RB, WR, TE) 25 round draft, 33 Man Rosters- including 4 IR Spots and 4 Taxi Squad/ Rookies only Total: $315- Always 3 years paid at least, at all times. Start 3 years ahead upfront; $105 for 2025, $105 advance for 2026, $105 in advance for 2027. Funds will be held through League Safe. $5 a year from each team will go towards the price of a championship ring for the tournament Champion. Derby draft order following each teams payments made.
ITS AN "IDP" BESTBALL EMPIRE LEAGUE @all Empire league (3 yrs) startup again after said yrs Bestball IDP 8/8 Division winners (divisions change yrly) PAID yrs upfront for traded futures dues prior to draft APRIL 27 2025 Derby/3RR median to vote Buy in: $50/yr Payouts: 1st $250; 2nd $50; D.W. $25 $400/yr goes into empire pot till won! League is full but 3 teams pending to pay. Override invites are on and first 5 teams to pay get a team! “ *Almost Full* Start up today if filled and paid. 14 Team SF/ 1 pt PPR /.75 TEP Created to last! Championship Ring is won each year $105 a year, 3 years upfront 2025-2026-2027, $315 total to join. Always, at least 3 years paid ahead at all times Third Round Reversal- 8 hour slow draft Vets and Kickers as place holders for rookie picks draft, rookie draft following NFL Draft Starts 10- 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, TE, 2 Flex (RB/WR/TE) 1 Super Flex (QB, RB, WR, TE) 25 round draft, 33 Man Rosters- including 4 IR Spots and 4 Taxi Squad/ Rookies only Total: $315- Always 3 years paid at least, at all times. Start 3 years ahead upfront; $105 for 2025, $105 advance for 2026, $105 in advance for 2027. Funds will be held through League Safe. $5 a year from each team will go towards the price of a championship ring for the tournament Champion. Derby draft order following each teams payments made.