14 team points per 1sts down league Trade away: breece hall Receive: 1.07, 1.14 and swift? This from a different post. I traded away those 3 and diggs for 1.02 Kinda regret it now as my picks and wr depth are depleted. I have plenty of rbs to cover losing hall.
12tm SF TEP Which one? None? Give: Danny Dimes and 2.09 Get: Jeudy Give: 2.09 Get: Anthony Richardson He has AR. I have Danny Dimes. Want both or none. Could use wr help.
10 Team SF TE Prem Trade Review I got Jayden Daniels Gave up 2024 1.03 2024 1.10 2024 3.03 Dak Prescott Ben Sennoit Alec Pierce I think I pulled off a heist especially with this years draft not being as strong.
What do I do with Pacheco in 12 team Dynasty?
A fist over all pick in dynasty for 2 first rd #4 and #8 picks and Z. Flowers
I have kincade and Pitts in a 12 ppr no te premium league the rest of my team is set. I’m wrestling with if I should try and upgrade or stay the course. I feel like there’s only 2-3 TE worth trading for that wouldn’t be just a lateral move. Thoughts?
League: 12 man PPR 1 QB I have the 1.02 and 1.04 Trade: 1.04 Receive: Marvin Harrison Jr. & Austin Estime
Earlier I was told to pull the trigger here what do you guys think now? 12 team 1QB rebuilding PPR Dynasty. Give Nix and Jacobs and get GW.