DeMarcus Lawrence on leaving the Cowboys: “Dallas is my home… But I know for sure I’m not gonna win a Super Bowl there” (@hawkblogger)
42 mil for 21 games over 3 years
Maybe cuz he ain’t gonna be there. Dont think he meant it like that. Speaking from a non cowboys or Seahawks fan
and he rlly thinks he's bouta win one with the Seahawks 😭😭
lol not in Seattle either rn
I guess he going to win one in seattle?😂
So u go to Seattle?
won't in Seattle either lol
Cowboys fan’s 9/11 right here😂😂
And this dumbass thinks he has a better chance with Seattle. They don’t even have a QB anymore
but it's their year 🤣
Dallas is Tom Hanks in Philadelphia
I’m a Seahawks fan but gang you not winning one here either 😭😭😭
Low key he got a better chance in Seattle than Dallas
He right because he left now we finna win without that fat lazy bitch 🤣
The cowboy jokes just write themselves
Smart man
seahawks won't win either
So he came to the hawks during our rebuild?
they just traded dk so yea that’s a great move
Cowboys are the best NFL franchise and this dude really be disrespecting us
Bunch of crying cowboys fans lol
Not saying he’s wrong but Seattle wasn’t the answer either bro lol 🤡
We just dumped our receiving core and downgraded at qb we ain’t winning shit before this old man retires