DeMarcus Lawrence on leaving the Cowboys: “Dallas is my home… But I know for sure I’m not gonna win a Super Bowl there” (@hawkblogger)
Smart man
seahawks won't win either
So he came to the hawks during our rebuild?
they just traded dk so yea that’s a great move
Cowboys are the best NFL franchise and this dude really be disrespecting us
Bunch of crying cowboys fans lol
Not saying he’s wrong but Seattle wasn’t the answer either bro lol 🤡
We just dumped our receiving core and downgraded at qb we ain’t winning shit before this old man retires
Please be AI. If not this dude is high as a kite. Not gonna argue about winning in dallas but homie just downgraded if he plans on getting that ring.
He didn’t say that lol
Dallas is trash man No upgrade Them and the giants going battle for the 4th place in the NFC EAST
Hahahaha he's so fuckin washed 🤣🤣🤣
Oh my god lmaoooooo
dawg left for a ring went to seattle bro is not getting rings
yea definitely should go to Seattle with that great offense
Better chance winning it in Cleveland than in Dallas
How on earth does this effect Aaron Rodger’s?
@ least you guys still have Jerry
Buddy . Hour qb is Sam darnold and you just traded away your best player and have have no o line . Guy was overpaid trash
So you pick fucking Seattle? Lolv
Dallas sucks