Was this roughing the passer? 🤔
Everyone knows you're not allowed to breathe on Mahomes.
Hell no.
Goofy ahh call ðŸ˜
Where was the flag supposed to be on the big play to Kelce, I’m sure there was supposed to be a flag on that play too.
joe burrow gets assaulted without any flags lol this fs not a flag
Not at all
Hard no
Where’s the flag Chiefs got a TD, can’t be legal.
I knew as soon as i saw the notification, "Is this roughing the passer?" that it would be about the Chiefs and Patrick Maholmes.
from the refs angle it was RtP
got lebron ed with a flop
Weak call
Here we go with the refs protecting their oh so glourious mahomes again
all I seen was the caption and knew it was bullshit 😅🤣
I’m basking in a kiddy pool of oil watching my glorious golden prince lead us to the afc championship
Shocked that the Chiefs get the bogus call. About time they got a call to go their way.
Refs have money on KC
WaS ThIs AcTuAlLY HoLDiNg?
Mahomes gets the preferential treatment!
Yes if you wear skirts