Was this roughing the passer? 🤔
Hard no
Where’s the flag Chiefs got a TD, can’t be legal.
I knew as soon as i saw the notification, "Is this roughing the passer?" that it would be about the Chiefs and Patrick Maholmes.
from the refs angle it was RtP
got lebron ed with a flop
Weak call
Here we go with the refs protecting their oh so glourious mahomes again
all I seen was the caption and knew it was bullshit 😅🤣
I’m basking in a kiddy pool of oil watching my glorious golden prince lead us to the afc championship
Shocked that the Chiefs get the bogus call. About time they got a call to go their way.
Refs have money on KC
WaS ThIs AcTuAlLY HoLDiNg?
Mahomes gets the preferential treatment!
Yes if you wear skirts
Of course it was, it was Patrick Mahomes
like eagles Kellce said..."the chiefs are winning the way they always do"
uh no
it was at the head but dam
nope. just another call/ gift for the Chiefs!!!
absolutely not