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FF Advice
kingjuno33  •  2 days ago

Just moved Achane & 25 1.7 For Bijan and 25 2.6 A few managers seem salty from the comments in the feed. Do they got a right to be legitimately pissed or are they hating bc I made a good move? Here's some context since we're keeping it 100%. This is the guys 2nd dynasty season and he's a little green. It's a $350 buy in so I feel he should know his shit. Lol I'm rambling

CheeseburgerWalrus1 2 days ago

@kingjuno33 good swap on your part but can see the love on both sides. Fair trade

EskimoTribe 2 days ago

@kingjuno33 Yes to both, it's definitely really really low for Bijan. Cause there's no world Achane is worth almost enough Bijan for a 10 pick slide back. But it's not so egregious that there's anything wrong with it and it was a good move for you. And just because somebody is in a money league doesn't mean they know anything about fantasy. My experience is that some of the worst managers play in money leagues. There's money on the line and people get pissed off easily. And you don't know what kinda league he's been in before or the experiences in them, cause I've been in more than a few leagues that kinda trade would have raised more than a few eyebrows and caused talk of cheating when money is on the line. Because it definitely happens, with money on the line. Think we've all witnessed it at least once in our time playing. So cool your jets, and understand they do have a legitimate reason to be a bit pissed probably more worried that there's cheating though. And enjoy Bijan cause they ain't got him 😂.

cwmoorez 2 days ago

I think they should worry about something besides my trades, if it's not collusion it's fair, and if they would have been hustling maybe they would have been the one to make the trade

OldeManStrength 2 days ago

Nothing wrong with that trade. As a matter of fact the trade will make the other owner stronger for this season and that’s what managers do to go for a title.

Steven 2 days ago

Fair Trade

A440 2 days ago

If the second were removed it’d be about right. But the second isn’t all that big a deal. Fair trade to me, but best for you.

Isaaaaaaac 2 days ago

This is like the most fair deal ever lol. They can pound sand - I honestly prefer the Achane side

aweldon 2 days ago

very fair. nothing wrong with it

ChefHerbie 2 days ago

Nothing wrong with the trade but that’s Bijan very easily for me.

NZek 2 days ago

No reason for anyone to be mad about this - good move for you and not at all unfair

kingjuno33 yesterday

@CheeseburgerWalrus1 my boy!!! where you been bro??

OGH11  •  1 minute ago

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