2026 2nd or 2025 3.09 and 4.09. 12 team dynasty best ball
Dynasty 12 team SF 2025 2.11 or 2025 3.02 and 3.06?
Who wins in a dynasty superflex? A: Amon Ra Devonta Smith B: AJ Brown Rashee Rice
Middle of the pack but with 1.02 and 1.10 this year. Thoughts on Pacheco and Tracy’s dynasty value and if I should trade to upgrade to get rb or trade for picks a rookie
What y’all think ab jamo in dynasty? Hold or sell? Really like him. Tried selling in the past but almost everyone has him undervalued imo. What do you guys think?
Warning! Do not get into a league with @killerelite25 or @killbox1alpha (same person, he goes by Martin). They are scamming individuals to pay via PayPal and then he changed his user name at the end of the season. If anyone would like any information feel free to reach out.
12 team SF start 11 PPR Jeudy or a mid-late 26 1st? My other WRs: MHJ, JSN, Olave, Waddle, Dell, Tillman, Diontae, J Palmer I have the 1.02, 1.12, 2.01, 2.02, 2.04, 2.11, 3.09, and 2 2026 1sts
In a Superflex 12 team league Are yall paying a 2026 1st for Shakir?