2015 Cam Newton highlights
I like how the highlights are 10% the actual play an 90% celebrating
Scam Newton
Folded in the superbowl tho🤔
Not these highlights being 5 minutes and the very last post is Wes Welker who got one play
Bro never celebrated with his team
Stupid celebrations are way longer than the play itself. What a dumb highlight rail.
Panthers fans crying inside
Cam was such a monster. Shameful the NFL allowed defenses to absolutely tee off on him for so long, ended his career to soon.
Super Bum!
Looks like Joe Milton 🔥
And you’re saying Cam Ward is just as high as a prospect 😂😂
where’s him chickening out and now jumping on the ball in the super bowl 😂
Stopped watching a min in cuz every play was just a QB draw from the 2 yard line. For how big he is that’s not impressive….
Might as well play this in a museum next to a Mesopotamia exhibit lmfao
Cam got me a couple fantasy championships. Go Cam!