Congrats! Browns star QB Deshaun Watson is now engaged to his girlfriend Jilly Anais. Such a happy couple ❤️🥹
Her hand look strong af
Justin Tugger will be the Best Man
@ACOsman10 didn't get all hyped about being a Browns fan. I'm disappointed this content wasn't on the thread
I’m a bears fan
That is one big photoshop fail or the most fuggly forearm and hand ever
she been thumbwrestling a bottle of baby oil
Y'all her thumb is jacked up from all those massage sessions
Watson Still gonna go to the massage therapist lol
she only allowing him to get couples massages while being in the same room
She must have soft hands
She must be really good at giving massages
she must be a perv too
She’s about to fleece the Browns with her upcoming divorce pay day 💁♂️
😆 My brothers, these comments do not disappoint!
those hands look strong 👀
Her profession?: massage therapist
He getting them backrubs at home now
Tell me you're a massage therapist without telling me you're a massage therapist
Now that’s what I call a happy ending
I read that as Anals
Groper Cleveland getting married.
She was massage therapist #23. She dropped all charges 🤣
STAR!!!?? 😳 WTF! Where!?? Who!?? Watson!?? If he's a star then Zach Wilson must be a planet.. 🤔
Very loose use of the word, “star”…