RUMOR - A Head Coach promotion might be coming soon for Cowboys OC Brian Schottenheimer, per @1053SS
Jerry will never hire Deion bc he’s to egotistical. Can’t have someone at HC with a bigger ego than him.
Offense was cheeks mate
Cowboys are winning the superbowl next year!
say sike rn we could literally get ben johnson
So they can fire him in 2 yrs
That’s such a Dallas thing to do.
We’re getting HC Brian Schottenheimer before GTA 6
They really got a number as a source
All you that are bitching about the Cowboys you don’t have to comment if you don’t like them lol
All of you thinking Jerry really cares about good coaches or the best.. delusional. He wants control. Not many coaches want that job or would except it.
CoWbOyS still need a proper QB1
The Commanders went through the nightmare of Dan Snyder, changing their name twice, being awful… and still reached the NFC Champ sooner than Dallas
please no
Jerry you senile old fool
This is worse than the definition of insanity
Friendly reminder Commies were down 14 with 8 minutes left in the 1st before Kenny Pickette sold
Jerry jones needs to kick the bucket and I mean asap
Can we all just agree the cowboys are the worst franchise in the NFL.
time to #boycott cowboys
What the fuck
What else you got to loose
Listen, what the Cowboys really need is for Jerry Jones to kick the bucket.
Keep that mf alive for year pls