This was ruled unnecessary roughness… 😭
NFL giving zero fucks whether they rig the game for Mahomes & the Chiefs
Lamar and Allen get the same treatment and nobody says anything about them.. it’s ridiculous but they have more than one they do it for
The refs are Patrick Mahomes best teamate
the NFL chiefs are undefeated
The most fabricated "dynasty" in history
Chiefs Kingdom gonna get a 3peat!
Yall gottta stop acting like this changed the whole game. If it wasn’t called it would of been 2nd and 6
Mahomes is a Baby Back Biotch. Can’t stand this Kermit the frog standing guy.
The fuck they do
When the refs and cheifs team up they are 25 and 0
People wonder way everyone hates the Chiefs
Man this team is the greatest to ever draw penalties
A true talent
they ain’t even tryna hide it😭
POV the refs when the cheifs are in position to lose
Come on refs call that late hit!!!!
There was holding on that play as well from KC
Don’t lead with your head and you won’t get a penalty, simple
Game is too close. Chiefs Star player, Refs needed to step in
Ok that was almost a flop by Mahomes just now
Dumb call, should have been targeting
Mahomes is a lil bitch