Was this roughing the passer? 🤔
It clearly was, because it was called!
It funny how the announcers are trying so hard not to call it a bad call
This is the nfl helping the chiefs again! It’s always the chiefs and zebras! That’s why I’m not even going to watch the nfl anymore! Sick of this shit!!
What’s next, ShOuLd ThE ChRiS JoNeS SaCk HaVe BeEn RoUgHiNg ThE PaSsER? Gtfooh with that stupid shit.
refs hélping out the chiefs again
You are high if you think this is roughing the passer
Here comes butt hurt fans of teams that couldn’t even go 5-13
ah it's against the mighty Mahomie so of course it ia
that's why the refs are sitting up in the chiefs owners box on their knees for half the game
Clearly a penalty, Mahomes could’ve died!
Personal foul excessive breathing defense
You mean when the nfl was launching phony investigations against him? It’s not the same
Of course it was Mahomes got breathed on. Refs don’t like others getting close to their beat meat
Before the snap. Roughing the passer on the defense
Of course not
No lol
technically yes but it's kinda shitty. they'd better call it the same all game
“It’s close” clown announcers. Need to hold the league accountable for this