Was this roughing the passer? 🤔
It’s not roughing but it’s a tough call for the refs in real time
chiefs fans getting defensive
They pick the flags up earlier in the year when it's for the chiefs
The refs just riding mahomes perusual
No way. Total BS call
Fucken pussy football mahomes ain’t shit without the reffs 💯 every game he won and every Super Bowl he won was all reffs 💯
Only if it's on Kermit...
Hell, no
Damn near decapitated him
mahomes call
fukin hit him for real just once
holy glaze
Like what’s the point of even playing? I’m surprised they didn’t try to throw Anderson out of the game. This is such bullshit.
No only for Mahomes once again have the refs paid off
Any other team NO! Chiefs of course it is a penalty.
Here we go 🙄
Not even a lil bit
The NFL is in bed with Kansas City Chiefs
Hell no …. Big ref big chiefs
Mahomes be floppin
you guys realize how much pressure is on the refs and the real time is an issue it's not a flag but nothing they can do just trying to protect everyone
Vive les chiefs
Looks like the zebras earned their taylor swift merch and next concert tickets with that