Was this roughing the passer? 🤔
Hell no 🤮
“Touching Mahomes without his consent. Will Anderson will be executed at halftime and Kris Boyd will be thrown into the Arrowhead prison. Automatic Chiefs win”
the Kansas city patriots getting them calls as usual. wack
Hell no
of course it wasn't.....cheats get all the calls to keep drives alive though
Not close
hell no
It’s for daddy Mahomes so ofc there gonna call that
Only on mahomes
Ha no shot
No but looked like it live
For Mahomes, yes. Anyone else, no.
Hell no, MFL always handing out yards to the chiefs. Machines a cry baby for real, if they don’t. NFL’s LeBron James, flop
The defender bout got whip lash from his headbutt to mahomes.
He’ll No
Another example the the reffs being fuckheads for the cheifs
People will say the NFL isn’t rigged btw
No don’t even get me started on
*only on Mahomes
If you have to ask I think you know the answer