Kansas City International Airport is closed due to icy weather, and the Chiefs are currently unable to depart for Sunday’s game in Denver. (Via @FOS)
A forfeit would have the same outcome. They should have planned ahead though.
Broncos should come to Kansas City then 🤔
Weathers rigged in their favor
Juwan Taylor is already there in typical fashion he set off early.
this things never happens to mahomes smh
Free win for KC!
15 yard penalty on Denver for delay of game
Commissioner is gonna rule that KC wins by forfeit
Ummm so what are they gonna do…
Better start driving
NFL and refs will force Denver to forfeit chiefs win 50-0 all hail patty mahomes
well to f**king bad. They knew about the bad weather moving in since Thursday! Why did they wait till the last minute? If they are not there in time, it's a Denver win! 😂
Automatic Chiefs win
Get in a bus and drive?
Hopefully the refs…I mean Chiefs make it to Denver ok
They should make Andy Reid and Sean Payton play Madden against eachother. And stream it.
Like why in the hell weren’t they gone yet!? 😂
“The refs even control the airport” ☝️🤓🤡🤡
Get on a bus and drive down another airport
So they quit? Make them forfeit the post-season
Got to ride the refs piggy back all the way there
They trying to give them 3 bye weeks