Chat room 💬 What does Sam Darnold have to do in order to get a contract extension with Minnesota?
Win a Playoff Game
If the coach thinks he is elevating the offense and could win a superbowl
Super Bowl
Get on his knees for JJ…
Win just 1 playoff games in a late 4th quarter upset
He should be interested in going to another team and starting. Since next year he won't be the starter and if he is named the starter he'll be looking over his shoulder every time he has a bad game
Throw a crucial interception in the nfc championship game by summoning the spirits of Brett Favre
Your mother
Win one of the next two games against his division rivals and nfc contenders
Play football!
Win one of the next two games against his division rivals and nfc contenders
If he gets the 1 seed then that contract is pretty much guaranteed to happen
he won't. he deserves to get paid and minnesota doesn't have the money
go to the superbowl
If he does it's only a 1 year to back up JJ
The Vikings biggest idiot if Sam don’t get a contract extension
Why do you have to give him all the money in the world? Stupid take. Tag n trade or tag n play another year. How much does he bring in value in a trade?
He's not. They are going to roll with JJ
He already did earn it
McCarthy will be in the bench for another 2-3 years….sorry boys….
Win over JJ
Honestly? Win the division OR take a team friendly deal.
Sam Darnold is a Seahawk.
Nothing. If they want him he’ll stay. Someone will take him.