The trailer for “Aaron Rodgers: Enigma” on Netflix is out 👇
He seems like that scary 3rd uncle that you meet at a family reunion
i don’t like him as much as the next guy but that seems very entertaining to watch
Who cares??? Glad he is gone from Green Bay.
Jets can’t win a game and they talking bout this crap
What Garbage!!! 🤮🤮🤮 Who cares about this???
Aaron Rodgers: ENEMA
He’s such a weirdo
He’s still less weird than any of you losers hating on someone who has accomplished more than you could in 5 lifetimes
bro who’s watching this🙏😭
Been tailing this dude picks and it's been wild! Locked in some entries and hit on 2-pick, 3-pick, and 4-pick flex plays, TAP ON THE LINK TO JOIN 👉
Bro seems wierd
Enigga needs to play good again.
You can tell most people in here are not spiritual. Bread and circuses for all!!
He’s such a bot
Christ is Lord
Imagine watching this dog shit lol
This is what Aaron has been doing instead of playing football
Clearly the spiritual lessons don’t work for him 😭
Arron Rodgers: Entitled Asshole
Been tailing this dude picks and it's been wild! Locked in some entries and hit on 2-pick, 3-pick, and 4-pick flex plays, TAP ON THE LINK TO JOIN 👉
You never miss out on any play since this week bro amma be posting in your page so u can get you more buyers bro ⬇️⬇️⬇️
What a conservative douche bag Rodgers is. Morons believe conspiracy theories will probably cause another pandemic.