BIG Half PPR Dynasty Trade Help !!! Trade away: Nico Collin’s,Devon Achane,Breece Hall, Keon Colman For: Gibbs, Rick Pearsall, 2025 2.01,2025 2.02 (2) 2026 Early 1st Would you do this trade??
If getting Gibbs all day everyday!
I’m personally not doing this, but I seem to be higher than most on Nico
I’m doing this if those are pretty much guaranteed to be 2 early 26 1sts. IMO 2 early 26 1sts + 2.02 > Breece and Achane, Ricky = Keon, and Gibbs + 2.01 >>> Nico. If this is an active league you can roughly replace production and still come out with extra value
I would take side trading Gibbs pretty easily.
Give me Gibbs side
Pearsall tbh could be up there with Collins production wise
The trade is probably spot on in value - I’m keeping what I have rather than taking a chance that I’m going to hit on all 4 of those draft picks
Especially in single QB
I'm taking this trade and never looking back. The value is through the roof with that trade. If you have no confidence in your ability to draft early round picks Like what is anyone doing doing fantasy football then? Not to mention next year you can trade them for players or trade back and get more draft picks which makes more capital on this trade Yeah I'm doing this trade all day
The NFL and fantasy miss on first round picks all the time. There is such a long list of dud early picks, they are not guaranteed no matter how big your ego is and how good you think your scouting is
I wouldn’t
I'm keeping the Collins side, he is a number one receiver, and Achane is a number one RB, Hall had a bad year but I expect him to bounce back and be at least a top 12 RB, Keon had injury to deal with but was looking better every game and has Allen as his quarterback, Pearsell has potential but he's no where near Collins, and Gibbs averaged 3 more PPR a week to than Achane, but week to week he didn't out score him enough times to make me take this trade
Absolutely not unless my team is absolute trash
Only make that trade if you need a QB…AND think you'll get one with those picks. Otherwise nope.
Does that say two 1sts at the end?? Oh yeah this is easily the Gibbs side
Bro if you do this you are an idiot