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FF Advice
TheBish  •  5 hours ago

What is the best way to set up offseason Dynasty waiver settings? I'm talking about which days to have waivers/FA. Also, do I increase the FAAB budget?

aweldon 5 hours ago

it is really on preference of the league. Im in multiple that do it a number of ways - daily waivers everyday, waivers run once a week, open waivers, etc. some leagues have set budget for whole yr through reg season or just have a set offseason then reg season budget

Isaaaaaaac 5 hours ago

I like the 2 different budgets - offseason - and ‘in-season’ - I like them running Tuesday nights and Friday nights during the offseason

CheeseburgerWalrus1 1 hour ago

@TheBish completely league dependent. All my leagues are $100-$200 budget and that’s for the entire calendar year. Once it’s gone it’s gone and resets after the SB. Waivers should run every single day in the off season. No reason not to & it benefits the guys that pay attention

_Jagger_  •  3 minutes ago

whats washington gonna do at rb?

jimmylp3  •  31 minutes ago

I have in a 12 team sf the 1.04 looking to land a qb. I have maye, levis and back up. Can I aquire jj Mccarthy with 1.04?

bubbarayshrimp  •  33 minutes ago

Would you trade chase brown for olave

UnderpaidRBs  •  43 minutes ago

Goff and waddle for London?

KeepItWill  •  49 minutes ago

In a sf dynasty with my 3 QBs as: Burrow, Daniel’s, and Goff. My key RBs are J Cook, Taylor, Chase Brown and Barkley. Would you trade Goff and Chase brown For Bucky and Geno. It’s a lateral move I know but Bucky feels much safer than brown the next few years. Thoughts?

estimm22  •  50 minutes ago

Pats or Chargers D/ST in Dynasty? Pats makin moves today

craig5CVB  •  1 hour ago

Derrick Henry or Breece Hall

FearDaReaper23  •  1 hour ago

Dynasty SF 10 man Allen For Goff Young Bucky Godwin 3.05 3.08