FF Advice
austinhumphrey • yesterday
Which side is better A. Drake London,st.brown B. Dk,feilds,breece hall
Looking to get a haul for jjetas Thinking of starting with asking for Bucky, dk, and Chubba Too much? Too little? My team lacks any depth past jjetas and my rbs, trying to round out my squad a bit more
I have DK.. Sell for pick 8?
Dynasty SF 10 man .75 TEP Herbert Hock For Goff 1.04 2.04
Dynasty SF - Ceedee or Marv and 1.02
Dynasty 26 1st (mid-late) win now Or Cooper kupp
Sf 10 team ppr A. 1.06, Godwin, 26 2nd B. Tyreek, noah gray, Tyrone Tracy, 2.06
12 team SF standard dynasty Adams Or Pearsall