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FF Advice
LilGrinder  •  15 hours ago

Does Lockette and Metcalf leaving hurt or help JSN fantasy wise? Hes been having good success against the DB 2/3, and idk how he will do against the top corners. I also recieved an offer. I get: Bucky Irving I give: JSN

forestdad 13 hours ago

Helps him. Consolidation of targets, greater TD upside. Trade Bucky for him for sure

OldeManStrength 13 hours ago

@LilGrinder it helps him. It doesn’t matter what corner or coverage they’re gonna be playing when you’re the best wide receiver on your team you will be given more targets and more importantly, more first read targets which are designed to beat coverages. As far as JSN for Bucky Irving, I would need a piece added to give up JSN. I almost did this exact trade earlier this season and I’m grateful I held.

A440 13 hours ago

Helps him. If Metcalf gets moved. If he doesn’t, I think he’ll be streaky.

CheeseburgerWalrus1 7 hours ago

@LilGrinder all depends who they would replace those guys with to draw coverage away. JSN easily over Bucky for me too

garden91 5 hours ago


EasyJesuzzz  •  30 minutes ago

In this class of Rb’s which One’s are most likely too be a 3 down back in the NFL ? I was thinking… 1.Jeanty 2.Hampton 3.Judkins 4.Henderson ? 5.Johnson ?

LTDans40time  •  38 minutes ago

A) Jeudy B) Pittman & 10-team 4.02

ThomasOBrien  •  39 minutes ago

SF dynasty Lamb, 1.08, 27 first For Rome, 1.03

allbarkley  •  44 minutes ago

Would you trade olave and Swift for the 1.05

vinnypom  •  1 hour ago

Dynasty SF - Pittman or 1.10 ?

lcclax24  •  2 hours ago

10 tm .5 PPR 1QB: A. BTJ, JT, Waddle B. 1.03, 1.05, 1.08, 2.01, 2.02 Im rebuilding. Is this package worth it or should i try and move them a la carte

coach4444  •  2 hours ago

Dynasty 10T SF .5PPR Give: D Adams, 26 1st, 26 2nd & 26 3rd Get: D Achane & 25 2.05

ChefBoyRPete  •  6 hours ago

Dynasty 10 team 1QB PPR (contending team) A. Ricky Pearsall + 2.05 B. 2.08+ Jordan Mason + Ray Davis Which side do you prefer and why? There have been trade rumors surrounding Jordan Mason, but at a minimum I see Davis and Mason as above average handcuffs. I'm just paranoid about the incoming RB talent and what they will do to RB2 like these guys