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FF Advice
SMOOVELTON  •  yesterday

Which side win in dynasty Dk Metcalf & Brian Robinson Or waddle & Zach Charbonnet + 3.08

KachowTime yesterday

DK and Brian Robinson, Brian is a steady producer, high chance DK goes to a team with a better QB and better offense in general, Ken Walker will still be in front of Charbonnet, and Waddle's floor as a WR is lower than DK

cwmoorez yesterday

I like the DK side, pretty easy for me

A440 yesterday

Is there a third option?

garden91 yesterday

Dk and Brob

john4ducks yesterday


LilGrinder yesterday


LilGrinder yesterday

Are you recieiving A or B?

LilGrinder yesterday

Yeah, if you can get a 2nd id lean that side.

LilGrinder yesterday

Charb is a great sleeper imo and im not high at all on BRob

LilGrinder yesterday

Metcalf yeah, hell be better then waddle but barely, Id rather have the 2nd and waddle at that point, and personal preference but I like charb more then k9.

LilGrinder yesterday

If youre competing A for sure

LilGrinder yesterday

But if you can wait a year I think Charb will be good

LilGrinder yesterday

Not to mention, deep RB class so im sure some solid people fall to you with the 2nd if its this year

LTDans40time yesterday

DK side

aweldon yesterday

DK side

EskimoTribe yesterday

Neither wins, this kinda trade is not going to bring a championship to anyone

mattyb25 yesterday

DK side

EasyJesuzzz  •  3 minutes ago

In this class of Rb’s which One’s are most likely too be a 3 down back in the NFL ? I was thinking… 1.Jeanty 2.Hampton 3.Judkins 4.Henderson ? 5.Johnson ?

LTDans40time  •  11 minutes ago

A) Jeudy B) Pittman & 10-team 4.02

ThomasOBrien  •  12 minutes ago

SF dynasty Lamb, 1.08, 27 first For Rome, 1.03

allbarkley  •  17 minutes ago

Would you trade olave and Swift for the 1.05

NoLifeSquire  •  1 hour ago

Bowers for AJ Brown, late 26 pick, late 27 pick?

vinnypom  •  1 hour ago

Dynasty SF - Pittman or 1.10 ?

lcclax24  •  1 hour ago

10 tm .5 PPR 1QB: A. BTJ, JT, Waddle B. 1.03, 1.05, 1.08, 2.01, 2.02 Im rebuilding. Is this package worth it or should i try and move them a la carte

coach4444  •  1 hour ago

Dynasty 10T SF .5PPR Give: D Adams, 26 1st, 26 2nd & 26 3rd Get: D Achane & 25 2.05