SF 10 team no TEP Give Mandrews Get 2.09 Have McBride and Bowers
No tep 10 team you almost have to take that especially with your TEs
@RaidersBaby How do you like the Carroll and soon-to-be Russ combo!??? 😆
no he is worth more than that
No way, people just have a bad taste in their mouths from the playoff game. There’s absolutely no way Andrews is worth less than Freiermuth or Njoku
no way
And it doesn’t matter what TEs you have, his value is his value. Selling short because you don’t need him reduces the value of your entire squad
There’s also an argument to be made for holding a lot of the top TEs, even if you can’t start them. Because it makes your starting TE that much stronger
he was TE 8 points per game last year
w a consistant high end pedigree
you don't give assets away cause your deep
I’d be looking for a little bit more. I don’t think the value is that far off tbh, I’d ask for either a 3rd as well or a higher 2nd round pick
I agree with @NZek just add a 4th maybe a 3rd. With the 2.09 I would be ok with a lte 3rd or early 4th for it.
Andrews is worth more than a late 2nd. he will still be a top if not the top target. had a slow start, but judging by the usage at the end its not enough to obtain Andrews. at least shouldn't be
No. Just because you are loaded at a postion does not mean you have to sell at discount.
nope, you have control of the TE market don't give it up for that small amount.