Is Joe Milton worth hanging onto in a 12 team dynasty superflex? He's currently on my taxi squad and another manager just offered me Rashee Rice for him straight up
The fact you haven’t accepted it already and made another post about it is mind boggling
3rd string QB vs WR who was the WR2 when he was only the field this season hmmmmm
Not trolling at all just torn with the trade rumors about Milton and looming suspension for Rice.
Ya'll dont think that in the right situation Milton could become anything?
I've also been a Milton believer for a couple years now so its just pulling at my heart strings ya know
idk who is dumber. you for thinking Milton can become something and letting this trade sit for a day or the dude who offered you this trade and letting it sit for a day.
this is like peak offseason insanity and we havent even made it to the first WC game smh
Honestly don’t even know why I’m answering. This is such a wild disparity in value that it’s either a troll or you shouldn’t be playing. The player offering it DEFINITELY shouldn’t be playing
Alright alright, I sound retarded lol. To be fair, this is year 1 of me playing dynasty, going into year 2. So im just looking to get opinions on the value of both I guess
Thanks boyz, I'm gonna accept it
What an idiot tho huh, Rice for Milton lol
my bad for being so direct. should've probably stated you were a rookie in dynasty but yeah take the sure thing. day 1 QBs rarely pan out so for sure one with Milton DC would have an extra uphill battle.
good luck not getting that vetoed tho
All good bro. Im sure it sounds buffoonish to seasoned vets, trust me i was shocked when i saw the trade too lol
Bet. Im gonna accept it
veto worthy trade
Commish pushed it thru cuz the trading manager is the league asshole lol
Take rashee this MOMENT
3rd String QB > WR 1-2 for the best QB in the league. HECK YEAH TAKE THAT
why are u still waiting? do the trade!!! from a Pats fan too
You trolling