Cooper Kupp won't practice today, but did participate in the morning walk-through.
i dropped van jefferson. is he gon blow up now ?
Drop cooper kupp
Kupp has missed wednesday practices before already lol he’s fine
Walkthroughs are too dangerous. Oh no
Time for A Rob to shine
uh oh
Will Allen Robinson’s basis points raise?
Rams should just call in sick
Cooper Kupp is such an overarchiever he runs during the morning walk-through.
Did this team really win a Super Bowl last year?
Shit on my dick
I mean
My wife didn't put out today but she did tease me
Seasons over! I give up! My wife left me and The kids, the dog won’t play with me, now this! Wow! Can’t take it any more!!! Walk through is a gate way drug!!! Damn it Kupp! You’ve ruined me!!!!! Ruiiined!!!!
I’ve been sitting in my shit since 9 AM.
Joey Burrow needs to be strapped on the field. Can’t rely on his o line for protection anymore
Cooper Kupp won't practice today, but did participate in the morning circle jerk.
Who down to play donut game?
Kupp had breakfast with Stafford and then took a nap which is why he missed practice don’t worry boys
I pretty sure they said the exact same thing with JTaylor and Swift this year and Mark Andrews avaided major enjury but he won't be playing this week.. and if you don't think so I think scoring is only down by 100 touchdowns this year
What is the word on Kyren Williams??
Student of the game