Cooper Kupp won't practice today, but did participate in the morning walk-through.
He participated in eating his breakfast
He walked right through my living room after pegging my wife. I hope he didn’t pull out so I can quit my job
Way to go coach your down by 50 with 3 mins to go and one of the top 3 players n the league goes down...dumb assssss
i dropped van jefferson. is he gon blow up now ?
Drop cooper kupp
Kupp has missed wednesday practices before already lol he’s fine
Walkthroughs are too dangerous. Oh no
Time for A Rob to shine
uh oh
Will Allen Robinson’s basis points raise?
Rams should just call in sick
Cooper Kupp is such an overarchiever he runs during the morning walk-through.
Did this team really win a Super Bowl last year?
Shit on my dick
I mean
My wife didn't put out today but she did tease me
Seasons over! I give up! My wife left me and The kids, the dog won’t play with me, now this! Wow! Can’t take it any more!!! Walk through is a gate way drug!!! Damn it Kupp! You’ve ruined me!!!!! Ruiiined!!!!
I’ve been sitting in my shit since 9 AM.
Joey Burrow needs to be strapped on the field. Can’t rely on his o line for protection anymore
Cooper Kupp won't practice today, but did participate in the morning circle jerk.
Who down to play donut game?