“Now Chris Carson has a leg injury, crumpled down on the turf after that run”
Cowboy defender had Carson's leg in hand then hit him with the old crocodile death roll
@whubbadubd are you sure
So this is what affected Marlon Mack
@NlCK penny won’t get any work for at least the first 3 weeks he returns.
Dudes fine
@whubbadubd where are you seeing this
Currently a sprained Knee, more likely to come soon
Got rid of Freeman before Week2 & Hyde before Week3. Would‘ve been great RB 5&6
I just dropped Carson
Eh tape it up
@manu17 I lost Julio , McCaffery, Kittle , Gage , Mostert , Lev Bell I dropped because I had no more room on IR . Now Carson .
Lmaoo your roster is literally a hospital now
I did some trades and keeping my head afloat and people dropping good players .
I was doing pretty well recovering from last weeks injuries but if Carson is long terms
That’ll be the final blow
I have amazing team . It’s the all injured team now
Injuries suck plain and simple
For both the players and fantasy
Hope he's not hurt
i did great for my draft. barkeley kittle carson chark fuller white...
How does this effect Marlon Mack
How does it effect Abe Lincoln Alec