Luka Doncic has been ruled OUT tonight against Denver.
Guess we're tanking then since LeGrandpa hurt his nutsack. 🤦🏻♂️
This is breaking news? We have tons of stars rn out for the season. 1 game really ain’t a big deal. Now if he misses more time after this than yea I can understand this being “breaking news”.
they know they're going to lose anyway
Mavs clearly won the trade
Mavs still lost the trade
Nico Harrison is jumping up and down
out = overweight
I’m about to Jeannie Bust
AR got us 🙏🏽
nico won the trade
This looks familiar
Y tf is this breaking news
Mavs won this
Need him to play this week and get hurt for playoffs next week
we dgaf
is he injured
Snip snap snip snap
Denver about to kill the Lakers Jokic should sit as well
luka scared big bad wolf
Now days u don’t have to be in shape to play in the nba Just gotta learn how to shoot 3s Why do u need to be in shape for that
Legoat argue w a wall
Bronsexuals are wild
I would find it funny. I’m Sure people did back in the day. “Black Jesus” and all. Can’t see why you don’t