Fake ynd
Who and who?
The coach fallen had me crying 😂 boy if you don’t get up !
bag of lays fighting bag of doritos for 10 day contract
Fox wasn’t gonna do shit! F fox
Of course Shai free throws 😭😭😭😭😭
Shai stopped the fight with his aura
Thunder fake tough guys
Spurs fake tough guys wym
Millionaire basketball players acting like there in high school abt to jump somebody
Can we talk abt that spin move by sga bro dropped a coach💀💀💀
Why shi have so much aura in this
Thunders Spurs beef in 2025👀
NBA fights are so weak now, literally just dudes pretending to hold themselves back
Why shai got so much aura
Nah Dort would’ve dropped him, that mf a tank
Guy that fell really took all the attention
we only care about Angel Reese pre game outfit updates
Someone throw a Steel Chair!!!
Ain’t seen no Thunders Spurs beef since the KD Kawhi days
Sga won the meat off
you hate spelling too
Mason would never post something this important
This noti made me picture something like a nerd beating up a bully at school