Anthony Edwards has been suspended for tonight’s game against the Jazz for his 16th technical foul of the season
So stupid. Techs used to be for things that were actually fouls. Now just showing any kind of emotion gets you a tech and a fine. No wonder the sport is bleeding viewers.
I mean he is the truth and nun but the truth
screw those Jazz fans for buying tickets to see a good player play basketball for one night.
Yeah but who made the rule though
And to think they could have had Luka
Most valuable crashout
Make the refs Ai so they don’t have emotion to call fouls on everything and take stuff so personal.
Need new refs and commish tbh
Get that thug
Let the boy cook. Some of these Tec are stupid
Fire Adam Sliver
It’s the @BigCockBrock68 OMG I’m a huge fan . You’re a legend
Jesus Christ can’t type anything in this chat 😭
Regard sleeper regards who get mad when jokes don’t land great platform for some entertainment
Wow it’s a splendid day today. I love basketball 😁
suck my balls adam silver
Refs hate the timber puffs more than anything
He can use that time to be with his kid
ngl ian mad at that
It’s not like he threw it into the 20th row, all he did was throw it to a guy sitting court side
The tech for throwing the ball I get but the first tech was one of the worst I’ve seen. Naz got a hella soft one too. Meanwhile Luka running up on refs screaming in their faces, nothing.
the pickens of the nba