Suns coach Mike Budenholzer called a meeting with Devin Booker imploring he tone it down vocally, leaving the star shocked, per @ChrisBHaynes
Poverty franchise is always poverty who would’ve knew both booker and budenholzer got very lucky everyone was hurt in 2021 or they dont sniff the finals
Booker is a star?
Slow day huh sleeper. Next in the news the nets coach told his team we gotta get better at the free throw line
All these mid coaches being exposed lol
Suns have no leader that’s the problem. Should’ve traded Beal for Jimmy
“Leaving the star shocked” 😭😭
Budenholzer, Chauncey Billups, and Billy Donovan should've been fired a LONG time ago. completely incompetent coaches
KD didn’t wanna hear it anymore and ran to the principal
This is why MLB ratings are going up and nba is down 53%
He’s a championship coach yall saying he needs to be fired yall don’t know basketball fr
Poor suns 😭😭😭
send booker to the nets
Remember when the suns lost in finals and they thought they be back
trade request incoming
I just don’t understand getting rid of the kids we had after the finals. I get getting rid of ayton but damn we just went to the finals. 😭😭😭 what were we thinking
So coaches can’t coach now?? What is so shocking about this smh. Player egos are at an all time high
Bud enjoy unemployment in May🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Literally the best player in suns history
When you’re team is playing horrible losing games they shouldn’t and barely beating bad teams ofc your gonna be vocally frustrated it’s dumb to get upset at your STAR being angry about a wildly talented team underperforming. Especially with the teams projections in the beginning of the year
Tone this down bootyholzer
Bro he’s literally the only one trying to lead this team to go antwwhre
bro can’t even mourn hooters in peace man, I’m sick to my stomach