Jimmy Butler tells Pat Riley in face-to-face meeting he wants to be traded and will not sign a new deal in Miami, per @ShamsCharania
Jimmy is a good maybe great role player. He was never gonna win anything as even the second option
Once he started getting into coffee more than BBall he started to fall off
Placing my bet with $100 and hitting $1,225 on Tuesday 🏆 @precious2006 is the goat 🐐
Jimmy just needs to make the playoffs to play like a allstar
He should be paid Jaden McDaniels money to be a 3rd 4th option. He’s literally rich mans Andrew Wiggins. Butler has also had several AWFUL playoff series and yall act like he’s Jordan in the garden
Placing my bet with $100 and hitting $1,225 on Tuesday 🏆 Johnson001 is the goat 🐐
Winning picks available
Pat: "uhhh, we weren't going to re-sign you Jimmy we fuckin hate y--" "I'LL NEVER RE-SIGN PAT FORGET IT"
@jacoblouis remove ur friend request don’t gaf about your in bread parlay
sad day as a heat fan
Okay so let’s say what teams are most likely of the table 😭
Prob Celtics too 😭
Placing my bet with $100 and hitting $1,225 on Tuesday 🏆 Johnson001 is the goat 🐐
butler you are a new york knick
Yeah let’s not
Shanghai Sharks finna be hyped when they get Jimmy Butler!
Knocks are a well standing team as it is
If we’re being honest, butlers doing the most. Bro whining because he can’t win a championship. It’s ok tho because he about to learn Chinese
How does this affect Ladd McConkey’s legacy?
I could see him going to the pacers
He got all the power cuz he got a $50M player option, Pat Riley tried to son him but teams not trading for him if he won’t stay 🤣
Phoenix makes the most sense but that too will end badly