@ CAR 2024-12-22
"I'm gonna get 85 to the endzone" gets him 2 targets in 3.5 quarters lmfao. Kyler is dogshit
Today of all days you do nothing. I
I hate you Kyler Murray throw the ball to Trey McBride you bum.
A fucking disaster
check down check down check down.. omg
The lights are too bright!! 🙈
arizona is a trash city and has a trash organization
How could you do this to me
If I knew this was gonna happen I would’ve left McBride on the bench. Could’ve let Charbonnet take the flex spot
Throw him the ball!!!!
i hate you on a personal level
After all we've been though
What the fuck
u are so lucky everyone else is carrying
Fuck yo
Fuck you
Please get this man in the endzone
Why isn’t bro getting targets
wtf this wigga doing
I hate you
Brooo you are versing the panthers!! Do something!!!
When the world needed him most..he vanished
Is he getting locked up or sum??? I’m confused