@ DET 2024-12-15
My nigga is that a zero on my screen
Zero targets is crazy
And I still got a chance to win like wtg
Promise. I’m dropping tf out this bum whenever I win or lose
Is he on the field??
Make this asshole play special teams or something at this point ffs
Bro is just a thought at this point
He needs to be demoted to scout team safety
Now or never Amari
Bro made me lose my playoff match
Bro belongs in a yellow bus for life
0 targets
Have him and kupp and still might win
Bro belongs on the short bus
Guy fuggin sux
Why did you guys play him lol
Never trust guys named Josh either
Make this mf cut grass for a living
One pass that’s all I want pls
Are you benched bro?
This is pathetic
I’m losing by 2 pts homies hits get a a couple catches
45 points not 1 target LOL. Who bet on this idiot?