vs NO 2024-12-23
@tricky531 damn you know you upset when you bring politics into football
Youre SO mad hahaha
@tricky531 its ok we know you arent very bright
I just won my league championship 500 bucks and a ring! Praise the Lord God Almighty
Joke league
lol saltyyyyt
You big mad sucka
Take that L
I have GB defense and my opp has Jacobs. I’m up by three points. I’m sorry Jacobs owners. I’m a raiders fan. Jacobs had a grade two ac joint sprain back in ‘19 and he missed three games. Find a new RB
i’m going to do something about this since he got benched, i’m in the crowd with a red jacket if you guys can see me
no one will stop me
fumble all i need to do is win
I need the packers defense to get a pick 6 in order to win and advance to the championship
Saw him hobble off gnashing his teeth and grabbing his shoulder
It’s been real people. GO PACK GO!! CHIP GAME!!
@tricky531 not bright enough to get around the chat filters lmao
Good job pookie you did just enough
gn everyone
Lost by .56 ……
All of you with jacobs who could have hoped for the rest of us to win and instead said rest him and only cared about yourselves. Y’all will have a lot of bad wishing to overcome for that chip
No wonder he left