vs NO 2024-12-23
42 more daddy
Dude I need 20 more points he can actually pull off the craziest comeback oat for me
Give the backup some reps yall are up
8 more my king
we’re about to make history, boys. our comebacks will be told for generations
0.5 Rec TD for Josh why isn’t it green yet ?
Need 16 more points big dog
soooooo i lost cuz of this guy
I need him to score 50 for me to stay undefeated
need you benched the rest of the game
Bro met his projections at the beginning of the 2nd quarter tf yall expect
mine as well grab my balls an rip them off my body
He’s him
I’m trying to win my game… you need to calm the fuck down….im highest scorer in my league not trying to lose and not my finals because of him… I need love to keep throwing TDs just not to him
I need him to score 103 points to win
We need the saints to do anything
I’m saying bruh
Please keep this pace king
Only needed 7 king
Josh Jacob’s is finna make me lose in semis bruh
I have a 17 point lead am I safe?