@ KC 2024-12-21
fuck stroud overrated mf
Best player on my team puts up 9 in the championship, I’m cooked
3 dog shit drives in a row
lol yall acting like it’s Nico’s fault are funny
do something
I got paid wooooaaah
Fuck Nico No way he is 1st round pick next year
I hope amber rose has her way with stroud
Told yall Collin’s sucks
What was this. I’m out the playoffs
Yea fuk nikkoooo
CJ stroud threw 2 picks early that sold this game
3rd worst game of the year in the most crucial game of the year thanks for nothing
Go cry with your mommy CJ you suck
whoever thinks it’s nico’s fault is brain dead
Rough start. My opponent had Kelce so it’s not over
Jackson needs to suck for me to win now.
Playing the chiefs is the worst. They had the ball for like 12 minutes in the 4th
Yall are a bunch of cry baby lil BITCHES😂😂😂😂
sold my lay wow
Fire the coach What was that playing calling
I hate you too dickhead