vs NE 2024-12-22
Nigga better play
I'm in the finals
is this mf gonna play
why is he still questionable is he good?
my opponent has jefferson and Addison
do i start allen with a bad hand or play sam darnold to weaken the blow from his wrs
Am i crazy for benching him for goff?
do i start jayden or josh
Josh or Joe
Josh👍 Herbert 🔥
droppable performance
He's been on my team from the start and most likely the very reason I've made it to my championship. The rest of my team carried him for a change. People are so fucked up turning on him so quickly. Josh has been on my team 3 years in a row and will continue to be.
he's getting benched lol
He'll play a half at most. And based on some of his 1st half performances, looking like under 10.
God I fucking hate you
Let’s go daddy
Bro dropped 90 over 2 games and can’t even give 15?
Debating starting Bo over Daddy Josh this week…
Allen 🔥 or Mayfield 👍 help me out guys please
Daniel’s or Allen?
I’m against Lamar pls save me
You know what needs to be done