vs MIA 2024-11-11
Thanks for another dub king
Went too 8-2 because of you i appreciate it
Good boy
Good kitten
I love you
Lost by .22 gotta catch that pass
You mother fucker Puka
fuck stafford he overthrew him on the td that would’ve won my game fuck stafford
Thank you king
Adding to my win total lol
18 on one of the best pass defenses with no TD? Not too shabby.
I’m not complaining I got him in the third round
This wasn’t 40 😡
Deebo and Flowers for Puca did I win
All I needed was for you not to get -3 points. Thank you king.
puka for garret wilson n olave?
Give Puka for Amari and CD?
just traded for puka i gave up cd lamb who won that trade
Puka and jt for cmc (I’m giving up cmc)
I faced Saquon, give me 30 points and I’ll move to samoa
drop -10 points and Samoa won’t get volcanically obliterated
You have to save me
Needs to be benched this week. He is going against Agent 0
You mean kupp