Kimani Vidal - Used sparingly in win
Welp Ceedee lamb is out I’m gonna have rely on this man
If dobbins out vidal 🔥 nabers👍
If he gets the start… should I plug him in???
If Conner and Dobbins can’t go… you’re him for the chip bro
if dobbins don’t play, start vidal 👍 or McMillan 🔥
Haskins👍🏻 or Vidal🔥 ??? I dropped Gus today and have Dobbins on IR.
Bro, If dobbins is out, am I starting Kimmy V over Dowdle?
Vidal 🔥 or McMillan 👍 flex
If Connor and dobbins are out Vidal or benson
Why’s he trending
Kimani or Kendre dynasty stash?
Dobbins will play
are we sure Dobbins is playing😅
Dobbins going to shred a leg and Vidal will be bougie queen
Vidal 🔥 or Haskins 👍🏻
Bro is tiny needs to gain at least 30 lbs
Not so fast, Vidal owners!
Is he worth dynasty stash for next future seasons?
I have an open spot.
How does he have the same exact stats 2 weeks in a row? This is some Matrix BS.