@ ATL 2024-12-01
Oh lawd he coming
Fries in the bag dude
If your seeing this, you’re so cooked🙏💀
I just need a touchdown bro😭🙏🏻
Boys he’s doing it. Getting some points.
Y'all got baited hard lmfao
Can’t believe people actually started bro
Trust in Vidal
We knew that he needed a few games to get going
Keep the faith!
feed him
Its all about the reps. He got a 16 yr run he fine
running 5ypc it’s just a matter of getting the ball which should be soon cuz gus stinks 😷
If you’re seeing this, delete the app bro 🙏🫂🫂
Why do people keep picking this guy up and starting him???? I got someone in my league that has had him all year and I just don’t get why
Definitely didn’t pick him up for this season next season goat
Drop hunt or Vidal, I got pacheco Tracy ray Davis as my other rb
i've seen enough give him 25 attempts
Where my 2% starters at ✊
Im starting you over mvs cause I need you to prove that we are going to be ok in playoffs w out dobbins
I need you this week bub
Kimani or Gus?
start him or hunt?